- УЗИ органов малого таза (матки, яичников, мочевого пузыря) трансвагинально и трансабдоминально с цветным картированием и импульсной допплерографией
- прием врача акушер-гинеколога (осмотр в зеркалах, осмотр молочных желез, консультация), назначение
80 ₽
Детская гинекологическая программа №1
- УЗИ органов малого таза (матки, яичников, мочевого пузыря) трансабдоминально с цветным картированием и импульсной допплерографией
- консультация врача акушер-гинеколога с осмотром (назначение лечения при необходимости)
A good medical center, convenient location and public transport, for motorists - Parking near the center.Polite administrators (remind you of a visit to the center the day before the appointed time), qualified doctors.I have repeatedly done ultrasound for myself and children, in addition to the sheets with the results, I also received answers to my questions within the framework of the qualification of ultrasound diagnostics doctors. Comfortable sofas in the waiting room, a clean bathroom, hangers for outerwear and free shoe covers for visitors to the medical center.
Good afternoon! I would like to express my gratitude to the doctors of the Parokhonko center Irina Viktorovna and Lyudmila Viktorovna Stepanenko!!! I only went to see Irina Viktorovna (ultrasound) after visiting the "famous" center in Minsk, where a disappointing diagnosis was made... And it turned out to be a mistake!!!! Thanks to Irina Viktorovna's professionalism, competence, and attentiveness, the correct diagnosis was made. And besides, Irina Viktorovna immediately organized an appointment with Lyudmila Viktorovna, who did not refuse (I think she had other patients), gave me time, conducted an additional examination and prescribed treatment. Thank you, dear Irina Viktorovna and Lyudmila Viktorovna, for your responsiveness and attentiveness, for your empathy and support!!!The center of prosperity and grateful patients!!!
Having visited this center three times this year, today I brought my mother for an ultrasound to Irina Viktorovna Porokhonko and Natalia Sergeevna Kmreeva for an examination. As always, everything was at the highest level. Irina Viktorovna calmed down with her confident and very calm tone of conversation. She got the impression that she treats each patient as her own person. And Natalia Sergeevna showed and told what the problem is and how to solve it with such warmth and kindness that you want to come back to such a person again. I am very grateful and bow low to you for the human attitude towards people, but this is becoming more valuable every day and, unfortunately, less and less common in medicine.
But the registrar still needs to learn a lot from experienced specialists, both attentiveness and politeness, and most importantly patience. Working with people is the most difficult job, especially with people who have come for help with a huge number of their problems. For this reason, I'm shooting one star.