I can say that one of the best post offices! I sent 200 emails at a time. We accepted and competently advised and quickly helped to send everything! My respects to the department!
Bu pochtada qariya operatorlar ishlaydi muomala yo‘q O‘zbek tilini bilmaydi davlat tilini bilmaydiganla odamlar bilan ishlaydigan joylaga qo'yish kerak emas
The post office near the house is great. In general, it is very convenient when you can receive a package from Aliexpress by walking your dog and pay for utilities. They sell postcards there, but the choice is too small and they are simple.
I visited today to send an email . Good service, much better than in other stations. They helped me choose an envelope and helped me with the design
P.S. The entrance is there from the side, next to the entrance to the store. I couldn't find him for about an hour and a half 😅