I found spare parts on the website. According to the information of these subjects, there are about a dozen. The store is closed on Saturday, our rubles are not needed at the Vostochny trading house. I arrived on weekdays. The phrase, why are you here and preventing us from doing anything, should be placed above the barrier. No one wants to look for a part. They took me to the warehouse to look for it. The warehouse is littered with boxes with unassembled receipts, according to the employee, fresh ones arrived last month. No one cares about work and diligence. My spare parts are not in stock. Where did they go from the guarded sealed warehouse? Ask the employees. I can't believe that this is how you can get money in 2021. Stealing, loafing for the state account. Conclusion-not a foot here anymore! Take care of your time and nerves, you customers don't need this store! Don't disturb people's sleep!
Give up hope, everyone who enters here. Not only will you not finalize your contract to the end and will not be able to be here purely humanly, but you will also be made guilty along the way.