We found a kitchen in this store, we wanted to check with the seller if there could be other types of cabinets and advise on how best to arrange them. To which he replied: "here's a sample for you, the price is such and such (I don't remember how much I said), here are samples of colors, there are no installments, I have nothing more to tell you." My wife and I exchanged glances and left. Of all the kitchen salons we've been to. The most disgusting service is in this store.
A good store with comfortable prices. The main manufacturer is Sapper furniture. If something is missing, it is possible to bring it as soon as possible. The disadvantage is a small room, the furniture is quite crowded. All these inconveniences are covered by the professionalism of the sellers
The price-quality ratio, everything is very clear, they fulfill the stated deadlines, the staff is competent, there were no problems, I bought for the office, and twice for myself