Good morning. Change the phone number in the information on the site to a Russian phone number. You still have a Ukrainian phone number with +38.
You are losing customers, because I have a Russian phone number with +7, but with similar numbers, and all your customers have been calling me for a week.
I will soon say that you have closed down and are no longer working, I am tired.
They took the guinea pig to have its teeth sharpened in the morning the guinea pig can't help but get up for anything
The guinea pig died a few minutes ago... thanks to the vet doctors for not doing zira
The dog was sterilized very badly!!!It started to fester. After repeated surgery, they took even more expensive. Another dog was treated (As it turned out, it is believed that he cut a photo inside and sewed it up-this is also an operation), so she died the next day. The animal was lying bleeding, and they were going about their daily business.. They work for profit, and they are not interested in animals at all!!! I DON'T ADVISE ANYONE!!!Keep your pets away from such doctors!
They didn't listen, grabbed the dog, injected hormones and antibiotics, made the wrong diagnosis, prescribed the wrong treatment, when she came again and said that nothing helped, they got angry and offered to sterilize the animal, I really want to suggest that they do it for themselves. I am completely shocked and stressed by such treatment.