Запчасти на стартера и генераторы в наличии и под заказ
О наличии запчасти уточняйте по телефону
30 Br1 pcs.
Ремонт стартера
1. Ремонт стартера (разборка, дефектовка, замена отбракованных деталей, сборка)
2. Диагностика стартера на стенде
3. Пескоструйн ая обработка стартера
4. Покраска стартера, покрытие лаком
Работает как с легковыми авто так и с грузовым.
45 Br1 pcs.
Ремонт генератора
Восстановление любого элемента генератора
Проверка генератора на стенде
Грузовое/легковое авто
Repair sevices:a/c recharging and repair, exhaust system repair, repair of brake system, full car sevice, running gear repair, starter motor repairs, computer car diagnostics, car electrician repair, steering racks repairs, generator repairs, carburetor repair, clutch repair, replacing of timing belt, cooling system repair
Excellent Car service 👍 I applied and clearly did everything and it 's not expensive ! A lot of things were done on the car for free!
I recommend it to everyone 👍
Prices are formed from the head, when asked to familiarize yourself with the prices, something was heard in response. Upon completion of the work, the amount was changed to x2. Giving an explanation that they "made a mistake".
I applied once (if necessary, I will contact this service)
The car was accepted on Saturday at noon, and by evening everything was ready. Removal / installation of the generator, replacement of brushes, washed the "gene", gave a guarantee. In general, I have no complaints