Rehabilitation programs:rehabilitation after stroke, recovery after coronavirus, supportive rehabilitation, rehabilitation after endoprosthetics, rehabilitation after lung diseases, cardiological rehabilitation, rehabilitation after hospitalization or long-term illnesses, rehabilitation after amputation of limbs, rehabilitation after removal of an intervertebral hernia, recovery from stress, orthopedic rehabilitation
I've heard about the Bubnovsky Center and technique for many years, but it seemed to me that this was something out of the realm of fiction - to treat my back with simple gymnastics and simulators?! But the time came, and after the injections and therapy, they told me to go to them! I underwent a thorough examination - the results of MRI scans, tests, a survey and an examination - and only after that the instructors started working with me. The Center's doctors and instructors are great professionals and experienced staff who always monitor and help their patients. Separately, I would like to mention Anwar, an attentive, responsive, but demanding instructor. He is always there for you and will always prompt and support you during the exercises. Carefully monitors and monitors the load and the technique of performing exercises. Many thanks to Anwar and the Center for a healthy back and pleasant changes in life associated with the absence of pain!