Special precautions from COVID-19: antiseptics everywhere, the entrance and exit are separated, a traffic light system at the entrance to limit the flow of visitors.
A good budget supermarket is within walking distance, different suppliers, a lot of their own products, a meat assortment, please, is inferior to large stores of the same chain, but the products are of high quality. Only once was I dissatisfied with the quality - I did not notice when buying that the package was torn - I returned it, the money was immediately transferred to the card, neither to you the forms to fill out with a passport, nor to you "up to 3 weeks" of waiting.
A rich assortment and more than reasonable prices. By the way, if you do not have the opportunity to cook, but there is a microwave at hand - pay attention to ready-made dishes under the Tesco brand, they are quite high-quality. There are always fresh salads, pastries