I came across such a question quite recently. Mom is a disabled person of the 1st group, practically does not go, only to the toilet. Earlier, from Poland, I brought her a swivel chair for the bathroom so that she could somehow wash herself. Over the years, it broke down and it became necessary to purchase a new one. There was no such thing in Poland anymore, I found it in Minsk under the order for 770 rubles and in Moscow for 550 rubles. I came to the center for a consultation with the question of whether I can count on a small compensation since her pension does not allow me to make such large purchases. They said that of course it is possible, no more than 250 rubles. You need a product and cash receipt, which I provided. A nice girl came, asked to see the kitchen, bathroom, sat down, talked with her mother, looked at the situation, it was allegedly a commission, after she said that the result would be on Monday, in a couple of days. The result was that they refused. The question is, why did she come and why did she have to promise? Maybe you just decided to increase the premiums for yourself?