Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
900 ₸200 g
Куринный суши-сэндвич
Рис, нори, куриное филе, огурцы, унаги соус, сыр филадельфия
2000 ₸250 g
Куриные крылышки L
Отлично сочетаются с различными соусами, овощами или салатами, чтобы создать более полноценное и сытное блюдо (20 шт.)
4900 ₸650 g
Пицца Пепперони маленькая
Сыр Гауда, сыр Моцарелла, салями (25 см)
1900 ₸370 g
Пицца Пепперони средняя
Сыр Гауда, сыр Моцарелла, салями (30 см)
2700 ₸540 g
Пицца Цыпленок ранч большая
Сыр гауда, сыр моцарелла, куриное филе, ветчина, сырный соус (35 см)
4000 ₸760 g
Пицца четыре сезона маленькая
Сыр Моцарелла, сыр Гауда, фарш говяжий, перец светофор, грибы шампиньоны, салями, помидоры (25 см)
Very tasty and high-quality, the two Elena operators are very attentive and polite, they have already addressed me by name for the second time, the couriers are also great, they bring everything hot, good luck and prosperity!
Hello everyone, I want to tell you a story about this envy. I had my daughter's birthday. all her friends gathered. the table was large, but there was no sushi, no pizza. They wanted very much wherever I called. three hours of waiting. I called tenshi. a girl with a pleasant voice answered. her name is Elena. she is very polite and courteous. she coordinated me on the menu. the prices are not big we chose the tenshi set. I did not expect such a speed. Within an hour, everything was delivered hot. the courier Raisa is polite and careful. Thanks to their well-coordinated work, my daughter and her friends were satisfied. The holiday was saved. I express my great gratitude to tenshi sushi and her team for their hard work and I advise everyone for children and adults everything is safe and very tasty