I've been choosing who to contact about refrigerator repairs for a long time. I read a lot of reviews about different companies and most of them were negative. As a result, I chose the Telefrast company. For many years on the market. If they did it badly, they would have already closed.
As a result, the phone call at 20.00 was answered within a minute. The master was able to order for the next morning. Master Sergey (well done) arrived, diagnosed in 10 minutes, took the spare part and returned it to the repaired one by the evening. As a result, the issue was resolved in less than a day and for normal money. Special thanks to Master Sergey.
Already at the time of the application, when no one called me back in an hour, I suspected something was wrong. Later, on the third time, I managed to get through to the operator, I did not have time to explain the details of the problem (the LED chandelier broke), they announced to me the price of at least 100 rubles, although there is no word or spirit about such prices on the site, and this is taking into account the fact that I need to remove the chandelier myself, take it to the service and then(if repaired), hang it back. When I asked how much a banal inspection of the chandelier would cost, the operator replied that she would now redirect my call to the workshop. Naturally, no one answered me in the workshop, the answering machine promised that they would call me back in 10 minutes, I did not wait for the call.
Verdict: Disgusting service + misleading about the prices of services on the site + the real prices are unreasonably high, because nowadays, for the same money, a lot of services provide both a visiting master and a better service.
авансам 5 зорак
за хуткае рэагаванне на замову і культуру вытворчасці (у сферы паслуг)
майстар узгадніў ранейшы прыезд, выявіў паломку, выканаў рэмонт варачнай паверхні - за паўгадзіны на месцы, а не за тыдзень у майстэрні, як былі адказы ад іншых фірм (вялікая загрузка - тым больш святочныя дні)
дзякую, што не пакінулі без пліты ў навагоднія святы