Disgusting karaoke. The holiday was ruined. The sound is terrible, the work of waiters is generally something with something. You simply can't call them. Many of the items presented in the menu were not and many on the stop. 10% of the amount for such service is too much. With good service and 20% and a tip is not a pity, but here it's just creepy. The wardrobe located next to the smoking room is aerobatics. I understand there's a kitchen nearby somewhere. Since the outerwear left in the wardrobe smelled of cigarettes and something fried like pies/baursaks. No more foot there.
We decided to give the institution a chance. And what do you think? I have never seen such horror in any institution. Change the staff. Guys, security in this place is such a bottom. Especially the guy with sunglasses. Apparently it's dark for a person at 12 at night at karaoke in the workplace))) abomination!!!
Вечно ничего нет. Обслуживание на 0. Никакого сервиса. Диджей сидит в наушниках, забывает включать микрофоны. В цезаре соус отвратительный, рыбный. Сухари огромные - просто рваный хлеб. Сидели одни в зале, песни петь не давали - целый час просидели, прослушали непонятный рэпчик, после чего решили уйти, так и не дождавшись своих песен. Спрашивается - зачем вы работаете в будние дни на один стол, если относитесь к нему на отвали? Кассу каждый раз оставляем хорошую!