Polina, would you be kind enough to explain what the abbreviated, purely colloquial slang "norm" means in your understanding, and also add what exactly did you like?
I have a hunch that you haven't been there and blundered and wrote your review in Yandex Maps. For what? To amuse yourself? Or to gain ratings? Sometimes, to tell the truth, I don't understand the youth of today, they do what they want. But in our time, this kind of lawlessness immediately punished its perpetrator. At the same time, I want to remind you that the ice cream was tastier, the grass was greener and the sky was bluer (me too).
However, I may be wrong about Polina Sergeevna and she really, sorry for this street accent, was "normal" and she really liked it, so I'm waiting for details about this airport. Recently, the baby showed a desire to get to this particular place, but unfortunately there are no clear reviews at the moment in the "reviews" section of Yandex Maps.
And I'll give you 5 stars in advance, since I didn't understand anything) it's better to change everything to Russian so that everything will be clear to me and my baby again when I find myself here.
It's worth adding that if you don't want to ruin your rating on Yandex.Maps, you should add a department in the milk store and show by all possible means that dairy products are really there, and not pots with anthills, there have been such cases.
I didn't like it at all, upon arrival we were harshly searched so that there was nothing illegal. The airport itself was very dirty and there was a lot of garbage.