I'm sure most of the residents don't even know what kind of tank it is, so
This is one of the first tanks that entered the city during the liberation, was hit (you can even see it, one of the tank's rollers is not "native"), and left here as a monument, originally stood on the central square (where the art school is now), then in the 80s it was moved to the park Victory well, actually it still stands there
It is also one of the 3 monuments of technology that participated in historical events
In general, the tank is good, beautiful, they even climbed into it once, if my memory does not change
I remember the park from my childhood. Dad rode boats. Then the devil's wheel, the frame, the funny slides. And where is it? The old trees were knocked out. If the trees are planted, where are the damn ATTRACTIONS? The bureaucrats grabbed a piece in their pocket, and if they have any questions about attractions in the park, they will answer them in an accessible way. THERE IS NO MONEY.