Despite the fact that the hospital is regional, they treat well. It's clean inside. However, it is difficult to navigate, the hospital is huge. But the operation was done perfectly, the scar is almost invisible, everything is without complications. The doctors are great
"I'm sorry," he said. The man who lived in ocher was so ignorant. The door I was about to go out was locked in front of me, and now the policeman was out of the way. All right, I would like to raise my bag (I have a child +2 bags of baby clothes and diapers). He looked up at me. I didn't know what to do. I begged behind him and opened the door. Now that I see such a dishonest man. A man like that might have been a stockbroker. Thank you to the doctors. A clean injection of the drug is performed in a timely manner.
Жаксы жагынан караганда, жаман жагы басым. Жагдай жасалмаган, персоналдар жетиспейди, тиисти комек тек арттарынан жугиргенде гана корсетиледи жане керек уакытында корсетилмейди, даригерлер жастар, жауапкеркершиликпен карамайды, наукастармен кери байланыс жок, туалетте жылы су жок, есиктери жабылмайды, наукастарга жагдай жасалмаган, тазалык жагы томен денгейде, баруга кенес бермеймин!!!