A taxi was called today, there was no message, no call, what kind of car would be. We decided to cancel the call, but they tell us that the car has been waiting for a long time! When we arrived at the place, it turned out that the taxi driver had 102 houses in the application, but it was necessary to have 201 As a result, I had to pay for a paid wait + pay extra to get to the right house. Well, at least the driver is normal, he drove to the place, but the dispatcher, apparently, has not yet departed from the celebration. If you want a thrill, call troechka.
A terrible taxi. 1. A taxi arrived, we were a little late, Called, asked if we were getting out or not, said we were getting out. As a result, the taxi driver left in front of his nose! 2. The cars are in terrible condition, they arrive as if they were carrying garbage in this car. 3. Unhappy drivers, when you put 2 addresses, it feels like they are driving for free🤦♀️ The operators are rude too!
I DO NOT RECOMMEND USING THE SERVICES OF THIS TAXI!!! The most terrible taxi of all. You wait for the order to be accepted, then several drivers accept and then refuse. We almost missed the train because of this taxi. The horror! Well, in the Pyaterochka taxi, employees are more responsible about their work.