The Taigan Lion park is closed, and the horrible owner fined and jailed for his abusive and illegal acts against his animals. That should be a clue that this “park" was a scam and a hellish existence for the animals. The lions look terrible in every photo I've seen.
The lions were not “hugging" tourists out of affection, and if you know anything about lion behavior you'd see that in the videos the lions are sniffing around, drugged and probably looking for food. Those lions have indeed attacked visitors there and it's no wonder the stupid “lion walk" closed years ago.
What a terrible, exploitive and dangerous idea. I hate that park and am so glad it's gone. They were so full of sh*t.
Below is some information I gathered online. There are more sources available if you want further confirmation that Taigon was terrible. I've also talked about this place with many of my friends in animal care , specifically big cat care. They all say the same thing- that the Taigon park was a scam and the owner a fraud. The animals suffered the most.
From Big Cat Rescue and other sources, many of them wildlife investigators who reviewed or toured the park-
“The Belogorsk Lion Safari-Park Taigan is a terrible place, where animals are suffering and dying. Only during last year 11 lions and lionesss were killed or simply disappeared. The owner, Oleg Zubkov, is a dishonest person who doesn’t take care of the animals. When he killed 12 -15 of his bears, he called it ‘optimization of the collection’). That was his way of managing his animals. Killing them.”
“The owner has been keeping and breeding animals under unsuitable conditions. For years, tourists can pay to have their pictures taken during dangerous physical interactions with lions. Big cat cubs are dying in petting areas due to terrible conditions including lack of water and proper nutrition. The owner has repeatedly threatened to release or kill his animals to gain public support in order to continue his ruthless business. He claims he is unfairly targeted.”
“The Owner, Oleg Zubkov, has been known to sell big cats on the black market. They are effectively sold to the slaughter and he knows it. He does not care about anything but profit.”
“This ‘Park’ doesn’t have proper vets, zoologists or any other educated professionals. Many animals are clearly starving. Photos show animals with open wounds, and sick animals who haven’t been seen by a vet. “
“ Too many lions are kept in a very small territory (400 by 500 meters). Because of this, there is fighting between them – sick, old, weak and very young lions are suffering, as they are being injured or killed by the stronger and more mature lions. This place has nothing to do with an African safari. It is an exploitive, dollar -driven tourist trap. The animals are treated horribly.”
My advice is to never go to places where you can interact with big cats. They are hellholes for the animals and never safe. Thailand is also famous for their crappy venues which let you pose with a malnourished, drugged tiger. Disgusting and idiotic. Avoid them.
You just can't believe what you are shown in a ten minute video. You're seeing heavily edited footage of heavily drugged cats during a few short moments of interaction. Those videos are meant to entertain you and convince you to visit their “park". Don't buy into their garbage and don't give them your money. None of it goes to the animals. Ever.
Великолепный парк. Были проездом и остановились в нем с ночёвкой. Видно что всё делается с душой. Здесь хорошо и растениям и животным. Очень много редких растений , а запах хвойников просто непередоваем. Вечерняя саванна это что-то... вид, звуки и запахи погружают ещё больше в мир животных. От всей души хочется поблагодарить Олега Алексеевича, его семью и сотрудников парка за эту красоту. Отдельное спасибо Татьяне Викторовне за видеорепортажи благодаря которым мы путешествовали по парку и знали куда идти и как зовут некоторых особо знаменитых животных. Я мечтала попасть сюда и 3 года наблюдала из интернета за жизнью этого чудного места. И хочу вам сказать, что увидеть в реальной жизни всю эту красоту стоит хоть раз в жизни. Никакой интернет не передаст восторга от кормления животных , когда они своими тёплыми лапками прикосаются к вашим рукам. Я пишу, а мурашки бегут по рукам от воспоминаний... Желаю процветания этому сказочному месту и постараемся ещё не раз приехать сюда.
Не много где бывал, но это лучшее что видел... Гулять здорово, но жарко... Еду для кормления можно купить на территории, для себя любимых есть пара кафе (невкусно :((, но как есть...) Туалеты есть на территории - бесплатно. Билеты покупают за налик, рядом есть банкоматы РНКБ (толи так попали, то ли...). Парковка для авто огромная, тоже бесплатно. Даже не знаю, что порекомендовать: брать экскурсию на электрокаре - ничего не увидеть, ходить пешком - ноги в истоптать, но всё увидишь... вроде есть электросамокаты на прокат. С собой брать обязательно воду, на территории есть, но дорого... ходить везде удобно - можно в шлёпках... Кормление в 10⁰⁰, но самое классное это общение с львятами и тигрятами, цена 3000₽ 15 мин, но эмоции... это того стоит, сам верещал от радости, стоит ли говорить о ребёнке! В общем рекомендую...