Manty - the dough is thick.A Muslim girl was sitting at the bar, not polite.The guy is really more friendly.There were midges flying on the salads, I would like to cover them.the only tea was normal.It's clean inside.the menu is not very good.
A good network of canteens, with a good selection of menus! There are shortcomings, and mostly it's in the speed of service. But I do not put a minus, I hope this is solvable. Although, admittedly, this is sinned all over the network and in all cities of this Brand. Maybe, as a Russian, I just don't understand it. But thanks!
Peace and all the best to all living on Earth!
Praise be to Allah that there is such a bright and halal institution as Tagam!
May Allah be willing that there be more halal places in Aktobe!
And we need to build more mosques in this beautiful city, by the Grace of Allah, in all districts!
Have a good iman to everyone!Amen.