I wish I hadn't made an appointment here, there's no ABS in my car, he doesn't know himself, he asks me, I don't know if there are ABS, I said to the master, let me ask, the man left the ABS warning lan is not lit, what no comes from the car that the guys are looking at, it was the first and last one, I took 4 to the master, how does he leave ABS in this car, he said
Even if your car is perfect, it passes slightly defective, the engine no could not be read under the excuses, He did not have primary school education, who could not read the engine number. Besides, you can't get tea, water, biscuits in the big facility! Their vending machines don't work! I
Standard practice, but you park the car and walk around the building, take the transaction receipt and this time you can drive around the building and enter the application area a little irregularly