Everything is beautiful, clean, and cozy!I still remember before - the former Spastak cinema!!! Everything has changed .Now the beauty is simple!!! One of the disadvantages is a very small cafe - there is nowhere to sit down with coffee. 2-- common areas (toilet) There is no toilet paper!!!!, and even in the booths it is not provided! How??? Any center has it!!! This is a big minus!!! 3 - Balcony! It's not possible to just watch the play there! The railings are very high, and the seats are low, and you can only look lying on the railing and, accordingly, sit on the tip of the chair in the frog pose.It's just tin!!I wish you'd take that into account.
One of the best theaters in Minsk. I also went when we were housed in the Moscow cinema. This building, especially after the renovation, has become even more cozy. A good buffet and very nimble. The wardrobe is the same. There were especially kind employees at the ticket office, they even left tickets on the phone. The repertoire is excellent. It's a pity that it's not always possible to get tickets. Of the disadvantages, there are only few parking spaces.
A pleasant little theater. The location is quite convenient. Excellent actors and production. If you have not attended performances for a long time, then I sincerely advise you to buy tickets for the play "A very simple story".
I was at the performance of Women without Borders.
I really liked it. Great acting. The actual topic is raised in the play, gives insights and parting words.
The theater itself is very beautiful and clean. The seats in the auditorium are comfortable. There is a buffet, and it is very pleasing that you can drink coffee.
A very pleasant theater, compact, clean, neat. There is parking. The hall is small, the chairs are soft, there is a buffet. I was at the MOUSETRAP performance in November 2023 (the special and the actors are super, I really liked it). But there is one disadvantage: In the first compartment in the hall it was comfortable, and in the second the ventilation or air conditioning in the hall was turned off (or reduced) and it was heavy, stuffy, barely waited for the end. The struggle of the heavy toilet waters of the spectators was felt in the air! Dear ladies, WHY do you pour toilet waters before going to the theater?!???? It's unbearable!!!!!!
I watched the play "The same Munchausen". I was afraid of competing with the film. The production pleasantly seemed to be an independent work. The theater is small and cozy. I recommend both the play and the theater
The theater is wonderful, the actors are wonderful. Yesterday I watched the play "Uncle Vanya". I really liked it. Lapanitsyn plays Dr. Astrov just brilliantly, and all the actors are good. A teaspoon of tar - Valeria Arlanova clearly does not fit the role of the young beauty Elena Andreevna, she is almost twice as old as the 27-year-old heroine, and this is very noticeable, although the outfits are beautiful.
I really liked the scenery and costumes. A live projection of the view outside the window looks spectacular.
And now about everyday trifles. A great buffet, there is wine, coffee, very tasty sandwiches, but there are clearly few chairs in it. There were very few people in the buffet, I took coffee, and I had to drink it standing up - there are free tables, but there are no chairs. This is strange. There is no paper in the toilet stalls, there are no paper towels near the sinks. Soap from the dispenser is difficult to get.
The cast is on top, but the administration is underworking, it seems to me.
A beautiful building, well located, looks very good in the greenery from the tram lines. In summer, it is generally very pleasant to travel. I wasn't inside
I visited this theater for the sake of the play "Women without Borders". I wanted to watch the game of colleagues from Minsk. And you know, I liked it.
I saw a modern theater. Laconic and at the same time stylish atmosphere. A spacious stage, while the chairs are arranged so that all viewers can see everything. Clean restrooms. There is a buffet. In general, I am pleasantly impressed by the theater itself.
Separately about the production of "Women without Borders". Fun, interesting, sincere. It seemed a little stuck and some moments can generally be removed without loss of meaning, but these are questions for the script. It was really funny and I never wanted to leave or bury my face in the phone. The actors played with the soul and that's the main thing.
I sincerely recommend visiting this wonderful theater.
A wonderful theater.
The hall is not large, but comfortable chairs.
There is a buffet in the theater. You can pre-order at the buffet.
Good performances, great actors.
A wonderful theater .
Cozy, with a beautiful interior.
Comfortable chairs.
Wonderful, friendly, attentive wardrobe staff and all the staff.
The acting is above all praise.
I visit often and with pleasure.
A delightful theater. The actors' acting is wonderful, there is not a single doubt. So far, I've liked all the productions I've attended. The seats in the hall are comfortable, and there is a wonderful view of the stage from every seat. Inside the theater is beautiful and there are many places for photos. Comfortable wardrobe and toilet. And the nicest employees work there. The theater itself leaves the same pleasant feeling as all his plays. In a word – wonderful
A very interesting place, We were at Uncle Van's, the hall is small but cozy, the staff is polite. And the barmaid is really cool, she does everything quickly) The food in the buffet is delicious. The girls are in the wardrobe, polite, friendly. In general, only pleasant emotions.
It's a very uneven place for me. I don't like performances more often than I like them. But the main problem is not in the production, but in the peculiarities of the artists' playing. In the first act, you always have the feeling that you are present at the opening of some kind of cabbage patch.
It's a great place. Good performances. I was pleased with the buffet . A large selection of cakes for children. After the renovation it became very cozy
A solid, beautiful, cozy theater. The staff is polite, will prompt / help.
I was on a "false note" – I really liked it, considering that it was the end of July
Unfortunately, our cinema is not visible. But here you can see your favorite actors. Are playing... "On10+". Each performance gives emotions, impressions, we do not forget
I recommend
A good acoustics room with 190 seats. A buffet with inexpensive prices and large portions. A wonderful theater team with famous actors. A good repertoire with low ticket prices (30 rubles).
I recommend you to visit often.
I love this theater. Great performances, favorite actors, and a great atmosphere in the new building. It is also very convenient that by the beginning of the performance there is always a place to put a car. I recommend.
A small cozy chamber theater. It was the first time. The hall is very small, but at the same time very cozy. The actors are great fellows. We watched the comedy "Number 13". The production is great and very funny!
ПРОСТО ЗДОРОВО. Театр оставляет самое хорошее впечатление, в первую очередь, игрой замечательных актеров (чувствуется школа и высокий профессионализм). Смотрели «Ох, уж эта Анна» (изумительная игра примы Аллы Пролич, эту самую Анну играющей, прямо купается в роли, просто её бенефис; впрочем, хороши и другие актеры) и «В поисках истинного я» - комедии светлые и добрые, но и заставляющие задуматься о реалиях нынешней жизни. И даже рождественскую детскую сказку про Щелкунчика (сказка - ложь, да в ней намёк. И мораль, и свет). И теперь хотели бы посмотреть здесь всё. Сам театр небольшой, уютный, с удобным залом и фойе, Персонал показался именно что возрастной, а потому культурно-театральный и отменно доброжелательный и вежливый («золотой фонд» поколения, к сожалению, уже уходящего), создающий прекрасную атмосферу до- и после спектаклей. Из придирок - отсутствие программок и неработающий сейчас "по техническим причинам" буфет. (Для тех, у кого есть немного времени до или после спектакля - можно посоветовать неплохое кафе Varka метрах в 300-ах вправо - если встать спиной ко входу в театр, на другой стороне проспекта). Но эти частности не портят общего, очень положительного впечатления от театра, спасибо всему его коллективу!
PS.Уважаемая администрация, хотя бы кофе-автомат можно было бы поставить, люди с дороги, а то и после работы. Ведь небольшой дополнительный приработок на этом - да и программках тоже - театру не повредит, не правда ли?
We went to the play "Women without Borders". It was terrible!!! After the first act, I wanted to get up and leave!!! Outright propaganda of pedophilia and LGBT people! The director of the screenwriter needs to be banned from his activities. It was mediocre, tasteless, vulgar, low-grade and disgusting! The actors evoked a squeamish feeling of disgust. The worst production I've ever seen! There was no desire to go to this theater again. Although the theater itself is not bad and quite cozy. Don't go to this production, don't waste time and money!
Рекомендую посещение данного театра! Во-первых, всегда захватывающий репертуар, всегда! В каком бы жанре не играли - восторг! браво! бис! Персонал очень правильный, так как при осмыслении вопроса про персонал театра вдруг понимаешь, что главное в театре - сценическое действо! Атмосфера, залы и интерьер театра зовут на следующее посещение, все удобно, демократично, есть кафе. Место расположения доступно для городского транспорта и такси, можно припарковать личное авто. Спасибо
Театр расположен удобно, рядом с остановками общественного транспорта, в красивом здании и в красивом месте. Спектакль "Тот самый Мюнхгаузен" смотрела на одном дыхании, игра актёров прекрасная. Правда, почему-то не работал буфет. Но кулер с водой был. Смутила только узкая скользкая лестница в гардероб. После спектакля там столпотворение встречных потоков. И, уж простите, раз это отзыв, неудобно расположенный и неудобно спроектированный туалет. Бытовые и относящиеся к технике безопасности вопросы я бы оценила на 3,5-4. А чисто театральные - без нареканий, только восхищение.
Посетили с детьми специальный показ спектакля Алиса в стране чудес.
Детям понравился.
В спектакле интересные и яркие костюмы, запоминающиеся песни. Очень понравилась актерская игра. У каждого персонажа запомнилась или песня, или определенные движения, иди внешний образ....
Детям особенно запомнились:
Кролик ( костюмом)
Гусеница ( костюмом и сольной партией)
Чеширский кот( очень симпатично втлял хвостом и разговаривал)
Шляпник( "я человек маленький...")
Король( поддакиванием, кхе- кхе)
Королева( великолепный костюм и " отрубить голову")
Мартовский Заяц ( дрожание и песня про филина)
Птицы( костюмы, игра, заикание)
Палач( игра на топоре)
Спектакль рекомендуем для посещения с детьми от 7-8 лет!!!
Это великолепный театр. Небольшой, с особой атмосферой. Побывал на спектакле "Мышеловка" и был потрясен игрой актеров, постановкой в целом, и долго ещё был под сильным впечатлением. Все молодцы, большое спасибо за искренность и возможность найти в себе черты некоторых героев. Особая благодарность Юрию Баранову за пронзительную роль. Обязательно постараюсь побывать в Минском Театре киноактера снова.
I was at the play "13" - it was just amazing. The actors play amazingly, you look at it in one breath. The hall is very comfortable, it is visible everywhere well. I recommend everyone to visit!
We were at the performance "Mousetrap". In one breath. The actors' acting is fascinating, they are so much in the images of their heroes.
The theater itself is very cozy, the hall is small.
Stylish and bright lobby.
This theater has absolutely its own atmosphere.
We went to the production of Uncle Vanya's play. I really liked it. Sound, light effects, entourage ...everything is realistic. A wonderful theater. The actors' acting is similar.
One of my favorite theaters. It used to be located in the Moscow metro station. There was a small cozy room. But the new room is also cozy! But the actors' acting also attracts him to the theater!💯💯💯
Очень понравился спектакль «Мышеловка», интригующий, с отличным актерским составом) сам зал небольшой, оттого ещё камернее и ощущение что ты с актёрами очень близок и до них рукой подать) хорошо все видно и слышно с любого места в зале. Ходила с подружками, которые в театре не были лет 10, они остались в полном восторге. Так что думаю, не в последний раз. Обязательно посмотрим весь репертуар!!! Единственное, что расстроило немного, не работал буфет. А все голодные , после работы, хотелось чего-то перекусить, учитывая что представление длилось часа 2,5.
A chamber, cozy theater. I give more respect to such people. At the invitation of friends, we went to the new production of Muhausen. The whole hall is full. They even put up extra chairs. The lobby is clean, the staff in the cloakroom is friendly. I advise you to visit.
A beautiful building. It is located in a park where it is quiet and peaceful. Nearby is the Church of Mary Magdalene. Kind and courteous Russian people.
Репертуар театра Киноактера всегда был довольно разнообразным. В этот раз смотрели детектив по А. Кристи , остались очень довольны. Актеры на высоте. Персонал обходительный и вежливый. В кафе слабоватое меню, но это для театра не главное. Приятного всем отдыха.
I really liked the performance of the False Note. Excellent work by the actors, an interesting script, the whole viewing is in suspense from the storyline, and after the performance there is something to think about...
We have been many times and we will go again. Excellent cozy spiritual atmosphere. The actors' acting is wonderful. And you can ignore everything else. I recommend.
The performance of a Woman without borders is disgusting and terrible! Propaganda of LGBT, pedophilia and debauchery. The actors' acting is the same as the performance. Don't waste money and time.
Recently, there was a false note at the performance, I was very impressed. Before that, I thought that the theater was an outdated and unnecessarily pretentious phenomenon, but the actors made me believe in the story. Despite the name, I didn't notice a single false note in the actors' performance. I was especially impressed by the game of Vladimir Andreevich Mishchanchuk