Payment method:discounts on services preferential categories, prepayment, postpay, cash, payment by card, electronic money, installment, cashless payment, online, QR code, Fast payment system, payment by credit card, making a loan
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers, bonuses, gifts
Level of training:master's, bachelor's, postgraduate education, specialist degree, postgraduate training
Form of teaching:external studies, evening, remote, correspondence, full-time, part-time, online
Training areas:human resource management, informatics, system analysis and control, oil and gas business, architecture, instrumentation, electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnics, thermal engineering, electronics and microelectronics, mining, telecommunications, statistics, commerce, art, economics, management, jurisprudence, sociology, social work, psychology, journalism, lnguistics, philology, mathematics, philosophy, chemistry, physical education, pedagogy, ecology, applied mathematics, physics, biology, construction, medicine, state and municipal administration, tourism and hospitality, logistics, sahne