Everything is as usual, cheap and extremely modest. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date when choosing a product, because there may be a delay. Personally, I refused to visit stores of this format, as often the goods are of the lowest quality. But sometimes you can find something useful.
The store is good if you don't take everything in a row, but also remember that the product usually matches the price. It is foolish to expect that a sausage for 800 tenge for a huge stick will be chopped ham. We took furniture-an excellent budget option. There are many useful things for the garden at a very attractive price. One of the disadvantages is logistics. It is not convenient to get there if you are not driving. Parking in winter and spring is quite dangerous, huge icicles directly above the cars and a very slippery porch
Shop at low prices. This is not about aesthetics and comfort, but about economy. However, you should not mindlessly take everything in a row. It is necessary to choose, read the composition and look at the deadlines.