The location is excellent in the very center, chemicals, household goods, sweets, quality standards and prices are acceptable, but most products are already priced like in regular stores, and the quality is worse, it's sad. Especially the filler for animals from limestone rocks was excellent, at first they always took the normal fraction, but now the batches are imported only dust, it's better to buy wood than this
The store is relatively new, the room itself is not large, it is overflowing with goods, cramped, impassable, there are no manual baskets for goods, and there is nowhere to miss mobile ones. Many bag storage rooms do not have keys and generally their safety is not ensured.The display and display cases of goods want to be better and more accessible. And so the abundance, variety and availability of everything is excellent.
You can find many great products and products at prices lower than in regular stores. Of course, there are also low-quality goods, but it's the same everywhere.