It's not the best, but the girls try, the goods are sometimes laid out carefully, they constantly swap positions so that the dementia of the customers does not progress, but in winter it's cold, as if you're buying on the street. The assortment is like everywhere else, well, maybe a little less.There is a problem with refrigerators, they are dirty, and the product is not trustworthy.sometimes there is a delay
It is large, convenient for selection and shopping, the employees are polite and patient. There is enough parking, but you can't call it convenient. According to the size of the store, I expected to see the entire range of "Traffic Lights", but no...
I will immediately note several points: cleanliness, order and spaciousness. Unlike other stores in this chain, Dinarovka has a convenient logistics structure for the buyer: two huge corridors, along the walls of which goods are placed. I would like to note the huge selection of necessary items. Even in the capital's traffic lights are smaller, it seemed to me. Convenient exit from the highway . The only drawback was the small and inconvenient parking.