Repair sevices:pre-trip inspection, a/c recharging and repair, exhaust system repair, repair of brake system, auto repair, engine repairs, full car sevice, oil changes, installation of parking sensors, running gear repair, starter motor repairs, computer car diagnostics, car electrician repair, steering racks repairs, nozzle cleaning, fuel injector cleaning, gearbox repair, generator repairs, repair injectors, repair of drive shafts, repair of fuel system, automotive electronics repair, carburetor repair, repair of car radiators, repair of cylinder head, headlights repair, shock absorber repair, RKPP repair, removal of catalysts, restoration of levers, car bridge repair, clutch repair, spare parts and accessories to order
Brand:chinese cars, korean cars, japanese cars, domestic cars, european cars, foreign cars
Insurance services:CTP, Kasko, green card
Insurance type:real estate, travel, health, property, accidents, life
Заехал заправить кондей, заправили, не дует. Сказали электрику смотреть и предложили телефон электрика.
Доехал до другого сервиса к электрику, который сказал, что кондей пустой 😂