Тюлевые, портьерные ткани, вуали, сетки, вышивка, сатены, штукатурка, ворсовые и двухсторонние. Длина карниза — 3м. Цена указана от.
500 Br1 pcs.
Рулонные шторы
- Более 50 видов расцветки
- 4 режима регулировки светового потока
- Монтаж на/в проем, потолок, на створку
- Имеется нижняя фиксация
- Доп. опция цепочное управление и нижняя фиксация на леске
We contacted the Supertextile company on September 1. I needed a Roman curtain in the living room in a very short time, thank you very much to the girl who took the order by phone, told me everything and helped organize the measurement and departure of the designer right the next day. There were no questions at all about the designer's work - I arrived with two boxes of samples, together with my wife we picked up the fabric that perfectly matched the design project. My wife liked the designer so much that they also decided to change the curtains in the bedroom. The order was executed as soon as possible (the curtains were already hanging on 09/18/24) The price remained unchanged as originally agreed! We are very pleased with our cooperation. We have already advised our friends - wait for new orders and good luck in your business!
I ordered curtains for all windows in the apartment.
I was very pleased!!! The designers have chosen the perfect style. They look very harmonious and are very convenient to use. Definitely 5 stars!!!
We ordered curtains from this company, and realized that they are trying only for high-quality marketing, promotion of their services. The price does not correspond to the quality of the received product at all. The moment when expectation and reality did not coincide at all. There were mixed feelings, it was a shame, expensive, it was a pity that they contacted this control, fell for colorful advertising and a publicized account. And now in fact:
1. Disappointment in the designer's work. In my understanding, the designer should offer everything! possible options at the request of the client, indicating the price category of these, rather than providing three samples of fabric (which turned out to be translucent and of poor quality). The black out fabric options were not shown to us. Option to file an addendum.A layer of fabric so that the one we chose would not show through was also not offered. I understand that we had a request for a certain order, but they had three huge bags of samples with them. I can't believe that the fabrics of the best quality and our shade were not there. In general, this is an omission in the work of the designer. I conclude that the title "departure of the designer" is veiled: in 3 minutes we will select the cheapest fabric and sell it for the most expensive amounts. I regret that I turned to supertextile.roll