Акриловая краска для полов во всех жилых и общественных помещениях Doilid Протект ВД-АК-111 цвет P 5,0л / 6.3кг
преимущества материала:
однокомпонентная (простое использование, быстрое высыхание)
высокая водостойкость;
устойчивость к
27 Br
Doilid Дойлид Грифель
Грифельная интерьерная краска Doilid Грифель 1л/1.5кг
преимущества материала:
имитация школьной доски
для рисования подходит любой мел
однородное, прочное покрытие
можно мыть водой или мягкими моющими средствами
экономичный расход
12 Br
Doilid Дойлид ВД-АСМ-104
Силиконовая фасадная краска Doilid ВД-АСМ-104 белый 5.0л / 7.9кг
преимущества материала:
высокие водоотталкивающие свойства;
высокая паропроницаемость;
высокая укрывистость;
относится к группе горючести Г1;
высокая адгезия к минеральн
Do you want to make repairs? Do you want to redo the facade, or change everything in your interior? You only care about this place! If your repairman sent you to Vadim's color studio, you are on the right track and the result will simply shock you! You will experience an aesthetic orgasm! The fact is that you will not find a more competent person in the whole Republic of Belarus. You will not find a better material and tool for your repair! If you want quality, beauty, and durability, you need Vadim! Trust the master who sent you to him, your remon is in the best hands. I am not shy in my admiration. But any question about aesthetics and beauty is Vadim Martynenko. Good health to him and his family! Thank you for being there!
We came to ask questions, order paints, discuss the purchased paint and it is possible to place an order, since we are moving to Gomel and ordering finishing in our new apartment, at the moment we only have concrete walls. They wanted to ask a lot of questions, but the young man showed a lack of desire to have a dialogue from the doorway, they had to follow him to get answers, communication was unpleasant, they probably left the store in a minute. We are very disappointed, as we were subscribed on Instagram and hoped for politeness and the ability to provide advice. In general, I do not recommend it to anyone
If you want a spoiled mood, go to Vadim Martynenko, only he is a genius of paints and plasters (as he believes himself). After watching enough Instagram ads about the miracle studio, I applied for materials to cover the imitation of a bar, chose Tikkurila, paid, and was given Uniwood. Moreover, Martynenko did not warn that it would not be Tikkurila. When I noticed that another manufacturer had asked for clarification, he began to praise himself, press with experience and say that this was what I needed, that he took Uniwood azure and added Tikkurila color there. But why doesn't he warn the buyer about this in advance? He refused to give the money back. If I had known that there would be another manufacturer, I would not have taken the material.