A huge request to make donations to this shelter! There are about five thousand animals that need food! People there do not shy away from any kind of work, it does not matter if it is the head herself or her assistants who are all there! This shelter is the largest shelter in Kazakhstan that exists for donations if you want to give Sadaka, then do it to shelters and it doesn't matter this or another 100 tenge is the price that these animals will be fed today and will not die! Make donations! Also, this shelter needs medicines. You can bring food and medicines yourself. Come and see what conditions the animals are kept in. It can help physically because there are not enough extra hands. Take off the videos of the storeys and put it all on the Internet! Draw more attention to this problem, to the problem with stray animals
Vote and call for these animals to live their lives with dignity, since every life is priceless and they and we have a soul and we and they have red blood in their veins, they all feel the same as we do A decent life for animals!
No killing innocent animals!
Spend in the way of Allah and He will reward you on the Day of Judgment!