В стоматологии "ВестМедСервис" работают детские стоматологи, которые предварительно пообщаются с ребенком, создадут дружественную и благоприятную атмосферу.
1 Br
Хирургическая стоматология
Амбулаторная хирургия, удаление зубов
1 Br
Цельнокерамические виниры как способ эстетической реставрации зубов сейчас становится очень популярным.
Сейчас это самый прогрессивный способ сделать свою улыбку идеальной, а зубы – ровными и белыми, какими бы они ни были изначально.
1 Br
Терапевтическое лечение зубов
Мы всегда рады помочь вам стать обладателем блистательной улыбки и здоровых зубов. Для этого рекомендуется делать плановые осмотры и диагностику зубов для своевременного лечения
1 Br
Лечение беременных
Лечение зубов во время беременности допускает такие мероприятия:
-лечение пародонтоза и кариеса;
-удаление зубов;
-установление брекетов;
-лечение воспаления дёсен и зубов.
1 Br
Имплантация All-on-4 и All-on-6
Имплантация All-on-4 и All-on-6
1 Br
Компьютерная 3D томография
Трёхмерная реконструкция делает диагностику заболеваний челюстно-лицевой области на порядок более информативной, т.к. позволяет изучить исследуемую область под любым углом, во всех плоскостях и на любом срезе.
1 Br
Эндодонтия (терапия корневых каналов)
Эндодонтия (терапия корневых каналов)
1 Br
Рентгендиагностика (дентальная)
Наша стоматология располагает новейшим рентгенодиагностическим оборудованием, таким как ортопантомограф и рентгенвизиограф.
1 Br
Лечение кариеса без бормашин
Это инновационная методика в стоматологии, позволяющая вылечить кариес без сверления тканей зуба и установки пломб.
A place of questionable quality and service (I try to write politically correct, since the last review was deleted on the complaint of the organization. It is easier for them to complain to Yandex support so that people do not know what this business entity really is). In fact, to make an appointment with a doctor, you need to wait a month. I paid for the 3d image, agreed to delete it a month later and negotiated the price, but only the day before, when they called to confirm the visit, they decided, among other things, to mention that their prices had changed by 225%. So, if you want to apply to this institution, keep in mind that the pricing of this institution is not final.
The clinic is wonderful. The administrators are polite. I want to single out the dentist -surgeon Savchuk Sergey Ivanovich, a master of his craft, and I also want to single out the stomatologist - therapist Mikhovich Elena Mikhailovna, a good specialist, a master of his craft, as well as the stomatologist - therapist Kutsko Sergey Vasilyevich, a great specialist, a master of his craft.
I thought I needed this review or not, but I decided to write it anyway. I have been treated in a small office of this clinic on Budyonny in Brest for many years, I treated and treat all medical workers with respect, but my last visit to the dentist's chair was not easy. With the problem, I went to see Dr. Senchuk Irina Alexandrovna, who performed the procedure of brushing my hypersensitive teeth and treatment. After the procedure, sensitivity became impossible, so I turned to the doctor again. Previously, after similar procedures, there were no such problems, but this time neither eating, brushing teeth, nor smiling... The administrator suggested applying for dental treatment with fluoride varnish. Of course, I went, by this time the pain had lasted almost a week. The doctor
spoke out quite sharply, saying that I can want with such teeth, nothing should hurt there. Irina Alexandrovna, we don't know each other personally and I asked for help, not a favor, and I pay money for your work, but it hurts me after your work. Doctor, believe me, rarely anyone goes to your chair with great pleasure! I will tell you a simple and banal truth, we are all living people, and you are being treated with pain, You have chosen a profession in which you need to be KIND