It used to be better. The kitchen has deteriorated to an outrage. Solyanka is now sausage and the remains of yesterday's vegetables with a spoonful of sour cream. That's it. Homemade sausages and schnitzel for 5 rubles are the same convenience as in school canteens, where 50% of the ingredients are bread. Rave! The vegetable salad of plain cabbage with carrots and onions was terribly bitter.
Coming at one o'clock in the afternoon is a challenge to yourself for stress tolerance. There's not much room. There is a queue of 20 people before the entrance. Everyone's wearing jackets(!) The employees of the car park go blindly without queuing and take their own colleagues. As if the others weren't people. Management(!) SHIFT lunch to your employees a little earlier in time. Constant conflicts and swearing in the queue!
The worst thing is when the collective farm workers come in dirty, oil-soaked robes and dirty the table and seat with their greasy sleeves and trousers, and then other people eat there after them. THERE ARE RULES FOR EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT SERVED IN OUTERWEAR! Add hangers! Fix the toilet seat and the door lock.
Bring back the previous food quality and transparent composition, but that's not all. I KNOW what I'm saying. I have been a visitor for 5 years now.
The most annoying thing is the abundance of small-minded people who can't leave their clothes in the car or hang them on a hanger, which are few. There are no cameras, and I can understand people and their distrust.