A spiritual place, we met there the Belarusian Oleg, who told us about the historical significance of this memorial - how they fought with riot police for it, died, and everyone there is basically ready to die already, but they still do not dare to go to their place for money, a better life or death, here as luck would have it. I hope that Oleg still lied to us a little and at least he is not homeless (we have not seen homeless people in Minsk at all), but if you suddenly meet this kind-hearted man, treat him with a hundred rubles.
A cult place in memory of musician Viktor Tsoi . It used to be longer.They have worthily immortalized the memory.Fans gather on the musician 's birthday and death day.There are a lot of young people and a lot of not young people.They sing songs and lay flowers. .Choi is a living Legend.
The wall, however, is quite small, with inscriptions and copies of drawings by Viktor Tsoi. I read that the wall used to be much longer. It is located in a small park near the stadium.
Помню эту "стену" еще на первом ее местоположении. После смены нескольких локаций, ее "приютили" в Ляховском сквере, недалеко от стадиона Динамо. Большинство надписей сделаны в 1990 году, когда погиб Виктор Цой. Обычно тут людно 21 июня в день рождения Виктора Цоя и 15 августа в день смерти...
Стена памяти В.Цоя. Приятно, что и у нас такая есть. Хороший был певец, актер. Жаль, что так рано ушел. Находится возле стадиона Динамо. В парке. Ходят трамваи. Недалеко жд вокзал.