Please take action. Why was it necessary to enter an electronic appointment if the person scheduled for 10 a.m. at 13:30 is still sitting under the office and waiting for him to be accepted!!!! There is a huge queue of people under the office who cannot get to the doctor, whose working day will end at 3 o'clock and the person scheduled for one o'clock will not have time to get to the doctor. Why then was it necessary to come up with an electronic record, if by signing up you still won't get an appointment....
I made an appointment for a paid appointment with a doctor at 13:30, but I ended up only at 14:20, what a mess. What money is paid for and for what reason a paid appointment does not differ from a free one, highlight it in a different color, this is firstly, and secondly, divide the hours of receiving people by appointment, without an appointment and on a paid basis, Having made an appointment for a fee, I did not expect that I would sit in line for another 50 minutes under an office!!!
The women's consultation was registered, but I was not provided with a certificate for light work, despite the fact that I explained that the work was hard, and they would not let me leave work without a certificate. At least they would be given an exemption from physical training (physical education). My job includes attending such classes. Apparently doctors make their own choice who needs easy work who doesn't
I came in the morning, took a ticket to pick up the fluorography, stood in line, went to the reception in my turn, they tell me that the fluorography is issued after 12:00. Why then is there an opportunity in the suggested list to pick up the result in the morning?