Good car wash, accepts bank cards. There is a store with chemicals and all kinds of rags. There is a tire service nearby (it is convenient, I took off the wheels, took them to the sink, washed them and put them clean at home for storage until the season)
For more than 10 years, I have been coming to this station once a year when I go to Alakol. On the plus side, benches have appeared, the station building has been whitewashed, and the platform is being put in order. They made an embankment and fences. One of the disadvantages is the toilet. His absence. There is an old wooden one there, but I will not describe it...
With the advent of gazebos, it has become much more convenient to wait for the train. Thank you so much for that. Unfortunately, there is no proper toilet.
There are practically no amenities at the railway station, it was hot in summer, and there were three dirty, wobbly benches in the waiting room. Toilet... consider it gone. The development of domestic tourism will not work with such stations.
Of the good ones, there are two stalls.
A God-forsaken place. There is nothing from the concept of a station. There's not even a train station. A passing route, and that is the only one to Lepsi or Matai. It's a creepy place.