The station itself is so-so. For lack of a better way to say it. Taxi drivers, as at all train stations, break the price. It is better to call a familiar taxi driver to meet him. Especially at night
At this railway station.our grandfathers and grandmothers worked,, parents., now we, the continuation of the generation.there used to be a small train station.hand luggage.baggage storage.cells... and now progres .moving forward.he became younger and rose higher.It turned from a one-story building into a tall, beautiful structure..Work requires attention and a sharp eye..
If you know your job and come with all the necessary documents, then you will be served efficiently and promptly. If something is missing, then you will be told without unnecessary gestures, calmly, and most importantly, they will tell you how to do it better, faster and most importantly correctly and arrange it. The most important thing is that you know what you want, and sometimes they come, so I need this and that, but they don't know how to do it. Everything is much easier and faster if you come and know what you want and how to do it, and you need the station staff to process the necessary documents....