The store is cool, the sellers are polite and attentive. The quality of the leather is excellent, we made good discounts and also gave a gift. The range of leather products is huge and for every taste and choice. I would like to note that the owners of the store, spouses Alexander and Alyona, are very hospitable, they speak Russian fluently. I am very happy with my purchases.
We constantly relax at the Sera hotel, opposite the hotel there is a fur leather store ST Lama (written in Russian). The owners Saffet and Alyona are wonderful people, they will help you, the prices are cheap, very high-quality things, all genuine leather, bags, purses, suitcases, shawls, briefcases, there is a large selection, there is an outerwear factory, we always buy from them! We recommend it to everyone, people are responsive, friendly, be sure to visit!