Why are students' shoes and clothes constantly missing!Dear headmistress, please provide cupboards with locks, so that this does not happen! Thank you in advance!
The saying is suitable for this school: "fish rots from the head." Director Leshkevich ruined one of the best schools in the city with her leadership. Good teachers left because of her. Disregard not only for teachers, but also for children. The best teachers are gone. Now the physical education teacher dictates the dictation on the replacement. They watch a fairy tale on TV. Replacements have been going on for months. The level of knowledge is very low. The answer to all the claims is the same: "I don't like it, go to another school." The dining room is a complete mess, it's also a mess. Think carefully before you give the children here. I would really like to draw the attention of higher authorities to the problems of this school and its management.
The child tried for a whole year to finish perfectly, but how the management reacted, they didn't even give a piece of paper (a diploma), would they really have been so impoverished, we would have told the parents to pay, and so the child's mood is not much worse!
A good school, excellent exam preparation, has an artistic and theatrical bias, that is, there are classes of ordinary preparation, and there are classes of art, theater, mathematics.
I won't say anything about the educational process, I didn't study. I will say about the solemnly neat, even festive appearance of the school and the secured territory. Question to the school management — is it possible to ride a bike with a 5-year-old child on the school grounds in the evening or on weekends? If not, why not?
They don't prepare for the Unified State Exam at all, teachers get tired and snap at us and the dining room, I would give her only one piece of advice To Cook edible breakfasts / lunches
The only disadvantage is that there are not enough circles. I was upset that there was no dancing. I have to take the child to the Chemists recreation center