Cockroaches are running around the school. The cloakroom attendant constantly yells at the parents of first-graders to help the children. In the dining room, cockroaches lie and eat in bowls with bread , a vow is not possible to eat sweet macaroni , then mashed potatoes , water one or even a spoon is worth the pedological composition is not all bad , but many are worse than nowhere
Disgusting school , prejudiced attitude towards children . If a mother is raising a child alone , the family will be bullied , and the child will be an outcast... I'm tired of all this , I 'll call the ministry's hotline , it will be useful from there .
Teachers are not interested in captivating a child with their subject, they have to go to tutors to gain knowledge. What is the point of such a free education? Those teachers who teach "favorite" subjects (labor, military.preparation, art, etc.) with all my heart to children, and the main subjects ..... - I have to pay money to tutors. Why is the school curriculum not enough for the Unified State Exam?