I'm studying there now, everything seems to be fine
, but strict cooks work in the cafeteria.
If you didn't put the plate in the window, then they might scold you.
A bad school teachers will not see twos, toilets constantly stink, teachers can abuse just like that, but the dining room is generally a horror there are a lot of cockroaches and foreign bodies come across in the plates at all, but if a child breaks a plate, they can fight and make you pay money for a broken plate the food in the dining room is constantly cold, high school children are not given soup and white bread at least the younger classes are given white bread and soup, although thanks for that, even at school, very poor repairs and constant extortion on windows for household needs for drinking taps, door handles in classrooms constantly fall out and break and then they scold for this for the whole class and threaten that the whole class will pay for a broken handle in the toilets too there are a lot of problems junior grades 5, 6 and 7 can't calmly go to the toilet and meet the needs of the body in the senior block because high school students smoke vape there and kick them out. Now there are 2 gyms , a volunteer squad and a dental office + a new stadium
This is the most truthful and constructive review about this school! I've been studying here for 11 years! I advise you to read and think about it! This school clearly contradicts all the laws of pedagogy. It's a terrible place to learn. And it's a great place if you want your child to become a selfish, withdrawn and antisocial person. And why I say that, I'll put it on the shelves now. The leadership of this school is completely unaware of the concept of humanity and keeping their word. Many teachers simply tolerate aggression and moral pressure from the leadership. As a result, many teachers are completely not focused on children during lessons. This is expressed in the fact that teachers, at the sight of a child who has developed creative thinking on his face, consider this child lazy, do not try to help him and can scold him in front of the whole class. I.e., there is no individual approach at all. Also, the management and most of the teachers do not support the guys who are diligent and raise the rating of the school by earning diplomas at various scientific conferences and Olympiads. Teachers demand perfect knowledge of each subject from these children, because there is an inner envy that the child chose another subject, and not theirs, to participate in the Olympiad. Because of this, children are exposed to maximum pressure and stress, which minimizes preparation for Centralized Testing. From this, the admission rate to Universities, if there is, then many guys study there for a fee. Therefore, if you want your child to go on a budget, feel free to send him to the lyceum. The food at school is decent, but because of the unsanitary conditions, sometimes there are cockroaches in the buffet. It is quite possible that they are in the kitchen, so many children take lunchboxes with them so as not to come down with poisoning. The school stadium is absolutely not equipped for passing the running standards, the tracks are just terrible, you can easily catch on a stone and fall on them so that then you will have to treat wounds for 2 weeks. Of the advantages of this school, only a dental office and a volunteer squad can be distinguished. If you do not have the opportunity to transfer to another school, advise your child to volunteer in this unit. The child will begin to understand what humanity, love and kindness are. But many teachers do not welcome volunteering in any way, so there is also a minus here.