Обучался в данном учреждении образования по 9 класс. Очень хорошая база, строгость присутствует, что сделает из тебя достойного человека и гражданина. Однако отмечу, что дети действительно загоняются из-за требований и объёма занятий и психика к вузу уже подпорчена.Понятно что требования везде одинаковые, но поменяв ни одну школу могу сказать, что подходы преподавателей разные. Что также не очень понятно для меня,—это желание сделать "всезнающего". Ребёнок должен выбрать одно направление и по нему двигаться (если хотите прикладывать больше усилий), а не распыляться на все, сколько там в среднем (14 предметов). Как говориться, нельзя объять необъятное.
Very convenient location of the school, a large school playground. A library and a good gym. Everything is fine. And most importantly, the wonderful teaching staff. He is very professional, competent and responsible. All kinds of electives based on interests are organized. The leisure time of the students was not ignored either.
Many thanks to the head and the entire teaching staff of the school.
Unfortunately, 111 schools turned out to be an extremely traumatic experience for my son and me (4 different schools under my belt). From now on, the mathematics teacher Tkach is an example of the WORST teacher for us, the school administration in the person of director Protasevich is completely out of touch, the class teacher Zhivitsa is by no means on the side of his students. My child is not a genius, he does not go to the medal, like all his classmates. However, the school ADMINISTRATION - is this really a reason to infringe on this 11th grade? Are you really going to get personal pleasure from the three in their certificates?! Do you really like to persistently repeat to them all year that they are stupid, narrow-minded and untalented?! Yes, there will be no mathematicians among them, but perhaps there will be philologists, historians, linguists... After all, excellent teachers work in the school staff to whom children go as for a holiday, listen with their mouths open and admire their lessons at home - these are Kurilovich N.Yu, Pashkevich E.L., Vorobyov G.I., Kogut A.V., Cheredukho L.P., Przygotskaya N.P., Selyavko N., Klimovich A.A., etc. - thanks a lot to them! The administration of 111 schools! Start counting your students as people!
A very good educational institution. A friendly team. Strong teachers. Good preparation. Children walk with pleasure. Only positive emotions from studying
A very good school. Strong teachers, interesting ongoing events, the interest of teachers to identify and develop the talents of children (if the latter need it), the constant desire of the school to participate in all kinds of events. Children LIKE IT!
Various events are held at the school (vocal, theater, music competitions) There are also different Olympiads.
Teachers always try to find an individual approach, regardless of whether he is the director or the teacher.
The school occupies a leading position in the city. Its applicants very often enter prestigious universities.
I recommend it to everyone!!!