Perhaps the sports complex itself is not bad, but the behavior of the watchman is very strange. Summer, the door is wide open. We walked with a 2-year-old child, looked at the cups outside. We went inside and immediately heard a sharp remark from the watchman that you can't walk here. We left the building. However, then the question arose - what kind of rules are these, is this a secure facility where entry is by pass? For what reason did we have no right to be there?
I practiced taekwondo here as a child, my friends are engaged in wrestling here, the place gives excellent training. It won't be easy for sissies, of course, but they become champions at the exit
And I want to say a huge thank you for my child to Lyudmila Efimovna Bondareva. This is actually the first coach of many athletes who have won prizes at competitions of various levels.
We came to Lyudmila Efimovna 6 years ago and she turned her daughter from an ugly snotty duckling into a beautiful swan!!!! This is a sport, and the coach with her coaching experience sees the children's data in advance. Dear parents, do not think that if your children did not get into the sports school, then they are bad or the coach is bad, there is still so much in life in which your child can prove himself!
My daughter has been going to gymnastics for the 4th year to coach Bondareva Lyudmila Efimovna. The coach is just wonderful, you can immediately see a professional in his field who loves and supports his children. I am very glad that we got to her. I recommend this trainer to all mothers who are going to bring their children.
I read Svetlana Ivanova's review and am extremely outraged. Lyudmila Efimovna Bondareva has been studying for 4 years, there has never been anything like what Svetlana Ivanova indicated. She is one of the few coaches who cares deeply for all her children. A lot of girls started their journey with Bondareva L. E. I will say one thing, bring your children to Spartak to Bondareva L. E., if the child wants to be engaged and the adequacy of parents, always get a sports result!
Историческое место. Замечательные тренера. Результаты побед в соревнованиях налицо в витрине фасада. Ориентированы на всех-маленьких девочек в гимнастику поутру, пацанов в борьбу, кач, а также старых дядек после 20:30 в прикладные единоборства. Душ, сауна, магазин рядом до 23:00, титулованные тренера доброжелательно обеспечивают индивидуальный подход. Рядом тучинский сквер. Погулять у двух озёр. Идеальное место для любителей спорта. Их родителей.
!Власти города, срочно высадить деревья взамен поваленных ураганами за последние 30 лет. Не надо нам вместо сквера новый человейник или ТЦ 😫 пожалуйста
Здание советское, без изысков, но чисто, аккуратно. Залы большие, тренера хорошие, дети участвуют в соревнованиях.
Андрей Климук
Level 8 Local Expert
March 5
I gave the child to Taekwondo, I never regretted it, before that we went to a club near the house, there is a very big difference, the coach is on top.
Ребёнок ходит на гимнастику, тренера отличные ,вопросов нет .Но вот здание ,маленькие раздевалки для детей ,мало места .Шкафчики вообще мелкие ,у кого-то есть ключ ,а кто новенькие ложите так вещи в свободные без ключей .Раздевалка всегда открыты .Хотелось бы,чтобы как-то посвободнее было
Спортивный клуб для детей и молодежи, вечером для взрослых. Работают спортивные школы гимнастики, тайквандо, тяжёлая атлетика, каратэ и др. Есть теннисные столы, детская площадка для самых маленьких. Напротив здания большая стоянка для авто. Цены демократичные.
Хороший спорткомплекс. Много различных секции. Просторные залы и холл, где можно подождать ребенка с тренировки. На районе самый крупный физкультурно-оздоровиьельный комплекс. Плюс есть магазин продовольственный.