Hello everyone.This direction is one of the most popular mountain routes.The difficulty is above average, for comparison it is the same from the Enlightener to the rock Three Brothers.You can go there with the children, but I do not recommend further *Swings*, since the ascents are quite steep.
Beginning.To go there, you need to get to Medeo, then turn right on the paved road in the opposite direction, after passing the eco-post you go to the end of the road, there is a barrier and a counter for guidance.
Process.The ascent is not particularly steep, the only path leads to the sign (Swing, Furmanova, Panorama, etc.). The sign leads you to the left along a more log path (the trail is slippery, you can not do without sticks when descending), but I recommend you to go straight after Altybakan 100 meters and left onto the trail (for us, the landmark was snowy avalanche on 06/24/2023).Then you will be met by a Swing, after making a stop there, we drove on, after 30-40 minutes you will be met by a rocky mountain, there you need to be extremely careful when climbing and when descending, after walking less than 100 meters you will be on Furmanova.The beauty of the mountain cannot be expressed in words, you need to see it live, From there you can see the city in the distance, in the northeast there is a Panorama peak (where we went).After a short rest, we drove on, a little further we got to the mountaineer's house.There is everything you need for rest and recuperation (firewood, 3-seater bed, blanket, socket and others).We drove on and after a while we were already at the peak of the Panorama.The view is mesmerizing, there's nothing to say.
Descent.One of the important moments in the campaign.You can't do without sticks here. P.S.
if you are on this route for the first time like us, then I recommend taking warm clothes, since it is very cold there.Then it was +33 °C in the city, and in the mountains it can be zero.And also, leave as early as possible around dawn, so that you can leave there during daylight hours...
This is a very good place for beginner tourists. When climbing, there may be problems due to the height. In the area of 2500 meters (swing). It makes sense to stop and rest
One of the popular routes. They go around the world through the peak. The view from the top is amazing. On the way to the peak, you will meet the heavenly swing, a place of pilgrimage for instablogers. The trail to the peak is not easy, there are steep ascents in places. In winter, it is better to wear ice shoes.
Маршрут не самый простой. Но когда поднимаешься, то все забываешь. Чудесные виды на город и природу.
Когда идете, то желательно брать воду с запасом, т.к родник по пути такое себе
Поднимался на этот пик несколько раз. Маршрут не самый простой, особенно в зимнее время, но очень красивый. Запомните, не бывает простых трехтысячников. Надевайте трекинговые ботинки и не забывайте палки. Подъем и спуск у вас займёт 7-9 часов.
Level 8 Local Expert
June 16
If you want to go to some kind of peak, then first come up here. So to speak, test your strength for the first time.
Красивые места, пока идёшь наслаждение сплошное, но вот места для отдыха - беседки и скамейки... все усеено мусором, не мешало бы в доль маршрутов ставить контейнеры для мусора. В общем с первого раза не получилось добраться до пика, устали все, как взрослые так и дети. Люди, не забывайте убирать за собой мусор!!!
Наконец-то я поднялась на эту вершину. Долго это планировала и вот осуществила. Это оказалось намного легче, чем мне рассказывали. Вид с высоты открывается просто нереальный. Теперь хочу взять другие высоты.