The company is terrible. It's a pity that you can't give minus ten stars. The retired mother failed to call the gas workers in two days, no one picks up the phone (24-91-30). You call another number, they don't give you the necessary information, they tell you to call only 24-91-30. And when it was necessary to bring gas into a private house, it was generally "fun." Until the letter went to the Presidential Administration, I couldn't finally find who was responsible for what. One company (Minsk, as I understand it) draws gas projects, Bobruiskgaz installs gas, and some kind of IP does the topography of the site, which they also recommend. And what is this GorGaz for anyway, to write off meter readings and connect the plates (screw two hose nuts) for 30p. Save and preserve in general, to deal with this organization.