I don't know if the park is open or not. I was a teenager in the 80s. It was very beautiful, there were kind, bright memories! I'm looking for familiar places in the photos, it's very beautiful! It hasn't changed! I would like to come back to see it again! May God grant that such beauty may be left to our descendants!
As a child, when we visited our grandparents every summer, we always went to Sofiyivka. The extraordinary beauty and diversity of trees and shrubs, ponds and fountains, waterfalls, grottoes, caves, and just can not list everything! We were just in a fairy tale!!! And what a delicious mulberry there was!!! This is truly beauty and history, it is a pity that because of the Bendery course of Ukraine, many are deprived of the opportunity to touch the beautiful.
Sofiyevka National Park, which is 222 years old, is located in Uman. The park was founded by Prince Potocki for his beloved Sofia, who became his wife, the war did not affect the park. The tour is paid, 20 hryvnia, the park is the base for the local University of crop production and has a clear arboretum bias. Everything is maintained in excellent condition.
The problem of bathrooms, as everywhere, is a lot of different landscapes - there are giant stones with a waterfall (in disrepair), and paths with picturesque clearings, and huge clearings with no less large gorges /gullies. Very picturesque, very beautiful.
The only depressing thing is the unsettled condition of the territory itself: I have already mentioned agriculture, as well as the lack of at least some safety equipment in the form of railings / ropes / marked paths in the "Valley of Giants" part, with a huge accumulation of children's excursions, I am simply amazed at the absence (ugh-ugh-ugh) of injuries!
I was on a day off. Parking is a problem. In the park, all the paths were covered with screening and the dust stood above the head. There are few guides. You need to reserve a guide for the weekend a week in advance. There is something to see, but I was not impressed. High prices for low-quality services.