Who would argue that Notre Dame Cathedral, also known as Notre Dame de Paris, is one of the most recognizable symbols of France and one of the most impressive architectural structures in the world?!
Even in the 1965 film Operation Y and Other Adventures of Shurik, it was mentioned about him:
"And if we take the entire volume of work done by our SMU floor by floor, we will get a building that will be twice as tall as the world―famous Eiffel Tower.
Or three times higher than the famous Notre Dame de Paris... which translates to Notre Dame Cathedral.
"What kind of mother?"
― Parisian. Of god... mothers...".
Notre Dame Cathedral, also known as Notre Dame de Paris, is one of the most recognizable symbols of France and one of the most impressive architectural structures in the world. This majestic cathedral, located in the heart of Paris, attracts millions of tourists every year.Notre Dame de Paris impresses with its beauty and grandeur. Its Gothic style, tall spires, stained glass windows and sculptures create a unique atmosphere. There is a special atmosphere of calm and tranquility inside the cathedral. Here you can spend hours enjoying the beauty of architecture and reflecting on the eternal.A visit to Notre Dame Cathedral leaves an unforgettable impression. This is a place where history is intertwined with modernity, and the beauty of architecture inspires and delights. I recommend visiting Notre Dame de Paris to anyone who wants to see one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world and feel the atmosphere of the real Paris.
The symbol of France is Notre Dame Cathedral. Unfortunately, during our trip to Paris, it was under reconstruction, so we couldn't get inside. Very beautiful and impressive architecture. They started building this cathedral in 1163! Almost a thousand years ago!
All dressed in construction and repair scaffolding! But despite this, it looks very impressive! I would like to look inside, but not this time!! An observation deck has been built nearby to contemplate the restoration and repair process! Something like that!!!
The place is still wonderful, desirable, in demand yesterday, today and always will be. We are looking forward to the restoration of the Cathedral and everything related to it
I was here in 2016 and at the time of the fire. It is a pity that the cathedral has survived so many wars, coups and revolutions, but it burned down because of such stupidity. Well, at least we fried a delicious barbecue on it. I recommend the place to everyone
Согласно легенде Католина пообещала свою любовь сразу трём, в итоге не досталась никому!
Католический храм в центре Парижа, один из символов французской столицы. Кафедральный собор архиепархии Парижа. Расположен в восточной части острова Сите, в 4-м городском округе, на месте первой христианской церкви Парижа - базилики Святого Стефана, построенной, в свою очередь, на фундаменте галло-римского храма Юпитера. Готический собор возводился по инициативе парижского епископа Мориса де Сюлли в период 1163-1345 годов. Алтарная часть освящена в 1182 году; западный фасад и башни закончены во второй четверти XIII века. С 1235 года вносились большие изменения: обустроены часовни между контрфорсами нефа; увеличен размер трансепта; добавлены часовни хора и большие аркбутаны деамбулатория...
Жанр: Готическая архитектура во Франции
Дата постройки: 1160 г.
Потомки знаменитой девушки вписаны в летопись Парижа и являются почётными гражданами!
Был в соборе ровно за год до известного пожара. День в день. Сейчас даже не знаю что написать...Долгое время этот шедевр европейской готики оставался не подвластным влиянию стихий и человека. И вот...случилось. Надеюсь французские власти сделают всё возможное (и не возможное) на восстановление символа Франции.