A great market with good sellers. It is always a pleasure to visit it. As for the clothes, the prices are reasonable and the assortment is good. The fruits on the counter always look great, they do not weigh down the rot and do not throw it up. Unlike the wonderful "central market" in Moscow. Which everyone praises in Vitebsk residents are crazy about. I will say one thing for visitors and residents of Smolensk market is the best choice. Sellers have a five plus+
A normal market. Small, but covered and clean. You can find ordinary, simple clothes that you need. There is a parking lot in front of the market. There are stalls with various food around the market.
The Smolensky Market in Vitebsk is a monument of the 90s era. There are a lot of goods on the open market. All the low-quality goods that are available in Moscow at Gardener can be found here at inflated prices. I don't understand why you should come here and buy things when there are marketplaces and hypermarkets. The only place you can go is to Smolensky, it's in a closed food pavilion. There is no normal parking. Or where you can park the car, there are signs about the ban. Autumn - Spring - rain and mud... huge puddles. It's high time to demolish this place and build a normal convenient modern market.