Нежные картофельные оладьи с румяной хрустящей корочкой и беконом в сливочном соусе
12 Br220 g
Курица карри с рисом
Аппетитное блюдо с пряным ароматом и насыщенным вкусом. Нежное куриное мясо в сочетании с рассыпчатым рисом и пряным соусом создают идеальный баланс
12 Br240 g
Спагетти с соусом четыре сыра
Идеально сочетаются вкусы и ароматы. Кремовая текстура соуса, в котором гармонично переплетаются четыре вида сыра, отлично подходит к пасте
14 Br220 g
Салат Цезарь с куриным филе
27 Br200 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
We were at the restaurant with a friend today. The atmosphere is pleasant, the waiter is very polite and attentive, and most importantly, the cuisine and cocktails are very tasty.
I also want to note the institution's approach to the cocktail menu. The waiter suggests drawing tarot cards and choosing a cocktail based on them.
In general, I give the institution 10 out of 10 and advise everyone to visit Minsk.
An entourage and a beautiful place, a lot of interactive content for the company: board games, a set-top box, televisions. Many thanks for the table provided during rush hour, but:
1. The waiters do not notify about the problems and speed of the kitchen, bar or hookah bar, if we received carbonara in 10 minutes, like beer or hookah, then we waited for dessert for 40-60 minutes, even it felt like they had forgotten about us at all.
2. The button for calling the waiter at our table did not work at all, the waiters had to be caught on the aisle. There is no binding of the table number, because the waiters were simply lost in search of us. There is no binding of a specific waiter at the table, 3 different waiters served us. All this lengthened the time of interaction between us and them, from which we waited 20 minutes for the receipt, and came to us with a terminal without it.
3. I'm sorry, but the hired vocal coach turan_by is just terrible, the scratchy-tearing voice of this singer only exacerbates the tedious wait for the service and calls for evacuation from the institution as soon as possible. Don't skimp on singers / leave ordinary, normal music in the background, which was before this rock apocalypse.
We left a complaint in the book dated 02.11, I am glad, of course, that the staff wanted to understand the circumstances, but corny was forced to leave this complaint. Sort it out.
It's a very cool place to spend time with friends. Very pleasant hookahs, delicious teas and coffees, good cuisine, for fans of consoles there are ps. Everything is there for a good time!