I found the SmartUm mental arithmetic courses through my friend, whose child had been attending them for about a year at that time. After rave reviews from a friend, I enrolled my 9-year-old son in SmartUm courses.
Mental arithmetic is a technique aimed at the development of both hemispheres of a child. It's like brain training. Such work of the two hemispheres develops intelligence, a creative approach to solving problems, develops attentiveness, perseverance. Even more, my son has become more confident in himself, reacts faster in any situation. And in general, thanks to the SmartUm courses, his overall academic performance in subjects has increased.
I found out that mental arithmetic is included in the school curriculum in Japan.
The secret is that in the classroom, children use both hands, count the bones on the accounts. And this allows you to use both hemispheres of the brain at once. In parallel, children learn to count by imagining the abacus in their imagination.