I was with the children while shopping at the store, the children wanted to go to the toilet. When asked where the toilet is, the girl sitting in the perfume department said that go through on the right side yes, the door was there but it was closed when I returned I asked her why the toilet was closed, she says that the administration fines them if they give the keys to the toilet, I explain to her that children want to go to the toilet a lot of boutiques in this room a lot of people come many with children, be people in the end, put at least a paid one, open the toilet we live in the capital. When the girl asked to call the administrator, she said that they did not have an administrator who fined them, it was unclear the benefit nearby. There was a coffee shop boom. I will definitely leave a review about this room on the Astana Complaint website.ru that the toilet is closed in a room where there are a lot of people.
Some prices are indicated, in fact the price is different at the checkout, 5 times it happened, I had to cancel the purchase. If they do not have time to remove and set the correct price, please install a device to check the price by barcode, as in other Small branches