The store is located in a convenient location, at a bus stop, you can always buy the necessary products. The bread and pastries are delicious and mostly always fresh. But dairy products are not, there is a very small selection and often the expiration dates are almost coming to an end.
And, so in principle, if we take into account the situation today, in what conditions people live there, then probably Thank God that this is so.
We wish everyone peace and kindness.
Complete disgust, terrible unsanitary conditions, apparently those people who are not taken anywhere else are working..It's very dirty, it stinks.The staff is always rude.I do not recommend using the word at all!
It's not a bad store. I often buy up here, because this is the closest more or less normal store to our house in the price-quality ratio. The attitude of sellers to buyers is good, but there are individuals who are rude and ask stupid questions, do not change the price tags and believe that buyers also owe them that they work here.(((( Often and thickly put rotten, i.e., half-rotted vegetables and fruits at a markdown. ((( This is only for the trash can, not for customers. I can't recommend it. Everyone makes their own choice.