Beautiful trees, it is pleasant to walk among them in any weather and initially it is a good idea to make this place a place of rest for residents and visitors of the city, but, on the one hand, people are not thrifty - they break and spoil objects, on the other -there is no care from public services. I was pleasantly surprised by the planting of Christmas trees, but they were planted randomly, without observing the intervals between them. It is strange to see how overgrown paths paved with tiles and trampled on the grass are new. It is always very dirty under the bridge, in summer crowds of alcoholics gather under it. The pedestrian bridge itself has not been repaired since its construction. I suggest that the city's leadership think about how to involve youth students in cleaning and repairing such facilities, since they mostly do not hesitate to break, spoil, and throw garbage. It is necessary to instill thrift and a culture of garbage disposal in children from childhood through the organization of volunteer movements, festivals, and contests. Alternatively, assign sections of such facilities to educational institutions,
The square on Komendantsky is an ideal place for quiet walks, especially in the evening when you want to relax after school on the way home. The atmosphere here is peaceful, fresh air and quiet alleys help to relieve fatigue and tune in for a relaxing evening. In the evening, the square is filled with a special coziness: fewer people, and everything around seems to slow down. A great place for those who appreciate peace and quiet in a big city!
After the renovation, it is a favorite place for walking, both hiking and cycling. There is a special path. There is a place for walking dogs with a special aviary.